Empower· Heal· Connect Services by Anu

Anu Family Services offers a continuum of client-driven, family-centered services designed to achieve safety, permanency, and well-being for children, youth, and families.

Treatment Foster Care Services

Anu offers Treatment Foster Care Services for children who need a safe and caring home.
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Anu has an array of Community-Based Programs:

Parent Coaching

Anu offers Parent Coaching Services, Parent Coaching Consultation & Training Services.
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Individualized Trauma Services

Individualized Trauma Services helps youth and adults heal from past trauma to experience success in their future.
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Flexible Support

The Flexible Support Program provides in-home and community-based education and support for adults or youth to increase independence and practice skills that promote well-being and connect them to their community.
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Youth Coaching

The Youth Coaching Program provides individualized services to help youth build healthy relationships and discover their potential.  Youth coaches facilitate social and emotional learning methods that promote healthy relationships and coping skills to enhance youth well-being.
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Anu also offers: 

Training and Consultation

Anu can provide Training and Consultation on a range of topics in a format that meets your specific needs.
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If you are frustrated with youth disrupting multiple placements or feel like we are putting a "Band-Aid" on the issues without creating real healing and change, remember:

You Have a Choice

You can continue what's been done or try a new approach with Anu Family Services. All of the services offered at Anu are based on these beliefs:

  • Losses must be grieved:  Otherwise, youth will continue to act out the loss through pain-based behaviors (i.e., AWOL, substance abuse, aggression).
  • All behavior is communication: Our job as caregivers is to listen and understand the root cause of those pain-based behaviors.
  • Disconnecting is a protective response:  Healing the relational trauma caused by loss is crucial for the youth to connect because healthy brains become unable to connect with others after multiple losses.
  • Reconnecting is healing:  Relational trauma can only be healed in the context of a relationship, so we safely reconnect youth with people (and even pets) that they have loved and lost.
  • Pain-based behaviors are not willful:  Youth demonstrate normal responses to grief and trauma.  We help them heal, rather than shame or blame.  We give them the words to talk about their pain.